Moving on to a slightly less tragic story, yesterday Georgia executed Andrew Brannan. Brannan was a convicted murderer, a Vietnam vet with PTSD and suffering from bipolar disorder, and also friend of Mr. Green Jeans.
Brannan impersonator and Mr. Green Jeans
real Brannan
Brannan was sentenced to death after killing Deputy Kyle Dinkheller, and with all sincerity I cannot begin to empathize enough with those affected by this horrible tragedy.
I have a big problem, though, with the execution of Brannan. The execution of this man was not enough to satisfy my bloodlust, and I think our society can do better. I have done no research whatsoever on capital punishment, but I have trolled the comments section for what I hope is expert advice on this matter. One of the most important things people have told me about myself is "your an idiot." Since I never possessed an idiot, it's difficult to respond to this accusation.
It disgusts me that people only want the death of this man. Where are the real patriots that want the execution broadcast on every single TV station? The days of the town square execution are in the past, sadly, due to the fancy new technology that allows us to satisfy our bloodlust within the comfort of our own homes.We have to settle for TV violence, and we all know that's fake aside from Tosh.0 and Monday Night Raw.
Also, is 2 minutes of the agonizing pain and suffering from lethal injection enough to punish this man? Can't we as a society be a little more creative with our method of death? At least a multiple choice vote on method of death would be nice. I can only think how much happier I would be if criminals were forced to have a cheese grater slowly scrubbed along their chest, first rending their nipples, and force feeding them pieces of themselves til they die. This is what should be on TV, and my family deserves entertainment of at least this quality. And just imagine how happier we would all be if we could cut off a criminal's eyelids to see every moment of fear as we unleash a monkey, a wolf, a cobra and a chupacabra on this deviant. I'd be curled up by my wife and children, giggling at the chaos that followed. Then we'd go eat a ham.
One thing Georgia lawmakers did get right is by killing a mentally ill person. We don't have enough slayings of the mentally ill. However, it should be noted that the Georgia government did prevent evidence of Brannan's mental illness to be presented in trial. I'm sure some of the tin foil hat moonbats out there are ready to claim a conspiracy by government officials to get the maximum penalty for Brannan, and I actually agree. But I don't really care, because if it was we can certainly use more conspiracies to get executions of the mentally ill. I trust the Georgia government will have no problem with obliging that.